Avilés: Discovering the Lesser-Known Attractions of Asturias

Avilés is a historic city situated in the green province of Asturias on the Northern coast of Spain, with lots to offer in terms of history, architecture, and vibrant arts and culture. The coastal town may not take as much attention as Gijón and especially Oviedo, but it has much to offer to those who would like to discover it. One thing for sure, whatever time a person has on his hands, whether it is a day or two, going on a weekend tour to Avilés is going to be fun, exciting, and fruitful. Here, we are going to discover the enchanting city of Avilés, where we will find out the most hidden corners, the most remarkable sights, and tastes that are worth experiencing.

1: Finding the Core of Avilés

1.1 Avilés’ Historical Overview

For someone to genuinely comprehend Avilés, the viewer must acknowledge the maritime qualities of this city and thousands of years of history. Originally going back to medieval ages, the position of this city was commanding both economically and strategically for trade, fishing, and shipping-related ventures. Once a thriving and functioning seaport whose destiny responded to the need to establish a link with the New World, the port’s link with Asturias endures to this day alongside the influence of its presence on the city.

1.2 Embracing Architectural Splendor

Strolling around the town’s touristic heart, one can safely be transported in ages as the architecture of most of the locations still remains the same as hundreds of years ago. It becomes tremendously apparent when one tours through the city that is home to everything in terms of architecture that ranges from historical churches and palaces to ultra-modern buildings and installations.

1.3 Immersing in Cultural Dynamism

While Avilés might be rather a small city, it amazes with its rich cultural life that may be compared to the greatest cities. Everything from plays and art pieces in theatres and museums to festivals and food exhibitions in the beach city are almost always taking place. The place appeals to art lovers, history lovers, and even lovers of food and wine, and especially Asturian cuisine, for any tourist.

2: Plan Your Avilés Tour

2.1 Day 1: Spending More Time in Avilés

2.1.1 Morning Exploration: The Carbayedo and Ferrera Plaza and Ferrera Park respectively.

The main and starting sight of the tour is the Plaza Carbayedo – the main square of Avilés. That is why there are cozy cafes and fish shops selling seafood, noisy local markets, and the medieval facility – the Asturian granary. Lastly, the Plaza Carbayedo must be visited followed by Parque Ferrera, the green lung of the city. Parque Ferrera is perhaps the park that offers the unique experience of the greenery of nature from as early as park pathways, fishponds, and benches.

2.1.2 Midday Indulgence: It focuses on the overview of Galiana Street and Casas de los Indianos.

As a then head to any of the many eating places in Avilés that offer you a slice of Asturian delicacies in the afternoon. Everything from simple cider houses to fashionable bistros the city has something to whet your appetite and fill your stomach. After you have taken some food, move around Avilés city moving along some of its historical areas especially along the Galiana Street which is considered to be one of the most beautiful streets in Avilés city. Running parallel to the river, Galiana Street boasts of very fine facades and a number of well-designed arcades of Avilés.

2.2 Day 2: Exploring Further into the Cultural Capitals of Avilés

2.2.1 Morning Excursion: Chamber Street and Orbón Brothers square

Good morning and welcome to the bright new day and a continuation of fun in Avilés, which you can start by strolling through Chamber Street. Surrounded by the shops and boutiques’ shining window displays, you can discover here such architectural wonders as, for example, the Maqua Palace. Continuing walking down from Chamber Street, you will find Orbón Brothers Square and Avilés Market where you will be able to see and taste the Spanish Market. Shoppers are able to choose their fruits and vegetables from perfectly arranged samples and enjoy the energy of this active commercial place.

2.2.2 Afternoon Exploration: Dock Park and Oscar-Niemeyer International Cultural Center

The next destination is Dock Park, a park by Aviles’ beautiful water frontage after a morning of shopping and sightseeing. It will help to take a break and breathe fresh air among all those greens, and do not skip the opportunity to be photographed with the sculpture of a seal – the heraldic animal of

the city which is associated with its maritime traditions. After Dock Park, continue to the Oscar Niemeyer International Cultural Center, a building that is eye-popping and architecturally stunning from the genius Brazilian architect. In this case, one should visit and experience with their own eyes the exhibitions and installations that the center houses and appreciate the arbitrary structure of the building in contrast to the historical context of Avilés.

3: Tasting and Feasting on Asturian Specialties

3.1 Culinary Delights: Any Taste of Asturian Cuisine

One cannot always sit well without having a taste of the Spanish recipes, especially those of the Asturias province on any visit to Avilés. So, ranging from rich black pudding to succulent fish and tender Welsh lamb to Scottish beef, there are many opportunities to treat the gourmet’s taste buds. Whether it is a small cider house or a restaurant where you simply taste tapas, or a Michelin restaurant, each dish has its history related to Asturian culture and time-honored culinary craft.

3.2 Foods You Cannot Miss to Try and the Restaurants to Have Them

For those who would like to taste Asturian foods, Avilés is packed with various places where people can have a tasty meal. Thus, ranging from Tierra Astur cider house to San Francisco Walnut Tree, Lin House, Tataguyo House, the food fanciers do not run short of choices when it comes to exquisite Asturian gastronomy. Indeed, from the customers who want to taste familiar dishes such as fabada asturiana – Asturian bean stew and cachopo – a breaded veal cutlet to people who are looking for the new trendier dishes that incorporate innovation on the traditional recipes, Avilés has it all.

4: Practical Tips for Visitors

4.1 Getting Around Avilés

Avilés is not a large city and the traffic is generally good mainly due to an effectively planned transport system. Depending on your preferences whether on foot, bicycle, or via a bus, taxi, or train, the city has adequate means of transport. Activities ranging from walking and bicycling to catching a bus or even a taxi make transport relatively easy.

4.2 Accommodation in Avilés

In regard to the availability of hotels and other forms of lodging, Avilés can be described as a rather heterogeneous place, which provides a wide choice of more or less expensive places for everybody. Whether you fancy petite luxury hotels or design hotels in this coastal gem town or large apartments or seafront resorts, you are not going to lack options. If you fancy a hotel stay in Avilés with all the modern conveniences, then you are catered for, but if you want that personal touch with a real feel for the area, then there are bed & breakfasts to suit.

5: Conclusion

Thus, a weekend break in Avilés involves a lot of interesting activities, leisure, and fun, and I’m sure there will be many more moments to be talked about. Whether the visitor is interested in the laid-back city’s tourist attractions, or interested in the rich culinary war, or enthusiastic about the variety of arts and culture activities that Avilés has to offer, this exquisite city breaks a mantle of surprise to all. It may mean packing a bag and going on a trip to this beautiful corner of Asturias, which has many pleasant discoveries in store for every traveler.

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